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Korpi - "Wilderness"

Korpi-sarjani käsittelee nykyihmisen luontosuhdetta eläinhahmojen kautta. Sarja ilmestyi alunperin Itä-Suomen ylioppilaslehti Uljaassa vuosina 2014-2016. Vuodesta 2020 se on ilmestynyt Biologian ja maantieteen opettajien liiton Natura-lehdessä.


Korpi - "Wilderness" is a continuing series that deals with our contemporary relationship to nature through animal characters. Korpi was originally published monthly in Uljas, the students' magazine of University of Eastern Finland in the years 2014-2016. It has also been published in Natura magazine since 2020 (a publication of Biology ang Geography teachers' union in Finland).

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